Sunday 21 August 2016

Android 7.0 Nougat (N) Release Date may be 22 August - Nexus 6p & Nexus 5x to get first! Check here when you will get it

                                           According to a Canadian carrier Telus and its software update road map Android 7.0 is ready to roll out in its full glory and can be released as soon as 22nd august. The update will hit Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P first ( as mentioned) and other nexus devices can also join at the same time. New Nexus devices are also close to release although no specific time frame is their and they will be the first devices to run android 7.0 Nougat Out of the Box.   
All these news may be legit as last month Popular Twitter leakster also confirmed that the release will come some time in August. Something that also supports the news is the fact that the developer previews of new version of Android are over with all the releases and it has already been a month since the last update was rolled out.

If you want to know which all devices will get the update check it below

Nexus Devices : As soon as it releases
Android One    : As soon as it releases or within a month
Samsung S7 and Note7 : Within two months
LG G5               : Within 45 days
Moto G4 , X       Within 1-2 days

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